So.... the suitcase turned up at 0040. Bob stood at the bottom of the drive in his pyjamas to wave the guy down as it is dark around us by then and he could easily go past. I waited on the terrace. The stars overhead were just amazing. I always forget how very many we miss in the UK because there is so much light pollution. Up here, there's just clean, dark air and they sparkle out in their millions. It was still warm. Imagine standing outside in pj bottoms and a thin t shirt right now.
Bob was not in the least surprised when the suitcase turned up minus one of the four wheels and with a big hole in the corner where it should be..... my fault for shouting at them! I didn't shout , I spoke with an authoritative tone!!!! Anyway, we just took the case upstairs and then turned right in.... To be dealt with in the morning....
Woke up to the most brilliant day! Blue sky, hot bright sun and so much green..... this is one of the greenest times on the island. Just emerging from the winter wet months and everything bursting into colour with the warm sun. The flowers and shrubs are just so..... bright.....
It was bliss to unpack and get clean clothes and my electric toothbrush and cosmetic. Lodged a damaged luggage case on the back of the "late luggage" case so will wait on that.
We had a few admin things to do today so sadly could not enjoy the hot weather as much as we might. It would have been so great to just lie around the pool. However, we had breakfast on the dining terrace and then set off to our bathroom shop which is the other side of Girne (Kyrenia), about 30 minutes drive. Confirmed everything with them and they will start next week. Then to sort a few things out at the land office and electricity company - just paperwork.
Stopped at Ileli on the way back to pick up a few supplies. We have two supermarkets at the bottom of the hill: Starlings and Ileli. They're both good and have just everything you could want, whether Cypriot or British. Got home about `1 and had another lovely lunch outside on the terrace. Such a treat to be outside this time of the year.
Around 6pm, we broke out the g&t and were just sipping into it when we heard a "halloooo" and it was our lovely neighbours, just below us on the hill, Alan and Lesley. Had a lovely catch up with them. Apparently the vineyards just up the hill from us are moving on with their plans and not only is the winery underway but a boutique hotel too. There will be wine tastings, sales and wine and food related events. Sounds great to me! Then settled to dinner at home tonight, brandies and coffee and watched Masterchef on tv. Hopefully tomorrow we can relax in the sun having been good and got our jobs out of the way today.
Bob was not in the least surprised when the suitcase turned up minus one of the four wheels and with a big hole in the corner where it should be..... my fault for shouting at them! I didn't shout , I spoke with an authoritative tone!!!! Anyway, we just took the case upstairs and then turned right in.... To be dealt with in the morning....
Woke up to the most brilliant day! Blue sky, hot bright sun and so much green..... this is one of the greenest times on the island. Just emerging from the winter wet months and everything bursting into colour with the warm sun. The flowers and shrubs are just so..... bright.....
It was bliss to unpack and get clean clothes and my electric toothbrush and cosmetic. Lodged a damaged luggage case on the back of the "late luggage" case so will wait on that.
We had a few admin things to do today so sadly could not enjoy the hot weather as much as we might. It would have been so great to just lie around the pool. However, we had breakfast on the dining terrace and then set off to our bathroom shop which is the other side of Girne (Kyrenia), about 30 minutes drive. Confirmed everything with them and they will start next week. Then to sort a few things out at the land office and electricity company - just paperwork.
Stopped at Ileli on the way back to pick up a few supplies. We have two supermarkets at the bottom of the hill: Starlings and Ileli. They're both good and have just everything you could want, whether Cypriot or British. Got home about `1 and had another lovely lunch outside on the terrace. Such a treat to be outside this time of the year.
Around 6pm, we broke out the g&t and were just sipping into it when we heard a "halloooo" and it was our lovely neighbours, just below us on the hill, Alan and Lesley. Had a lovely catch up with them. Apparently the vineyards just up the hill from us are moving on with their plans and not only is the winery underway but a boutique hotel too. There will be wine tastings, sales and wine and food related events. Sounds great to me! Then settled to dinner at home tonight, brandies and coffee and watched Masterchef on tv. Hopefully tomorrow we can relax in the sun having been good and got our jobs out of the way today.